When you say evolution is "guided" do you mean by natural and sexual selection? Or are you talking about something else?
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
When you say evolution is "guided" do you mean by natural and sexual selection? Or are you talking about something else?
consequences of living in a simulation[edit]some scholars speculate that the creators of our hypothetical simulation may have limited computing power; if so, after a certain point, the creators would have to deploy some sort of strategy to prevent simulations from themselves indefinitely creating high-fidelity simulations in unbounded regress.
If a computer works out that a conscious being would do a certain thing and simulates them doing so, versus a material being undergoing the same process and performing the same act, is there a meaningful distinction between the two?
Indeed, there is a huge distinction between the two. Conscious beings have a subjective first person experience. Non-conscious process' do not. As far as we know, simulations are a non-conscious process'. Until such a time as we have good reasons to think simulations are capable of consciousness - we can't say it's "possible" we're in a simulation. Because, if there is one thing - and only one thing we know - it's that we are conscious.
Consciousness is the prerequisite. And until that issue is addressed people aren't justified in claiming that the Simulation Hypothesis is "possible".
There are 3 scenarios at which we can look:
1.) We live in a physical universe and simulations are not capable of producing consciousness - in which case the Simulation Hypothesis is not possible
2.) We live in a physical universe and simulations are capable of producing consciousness - in which case it would be difficult to know whether we're in a simulation or in a physical universe.
3.) We live in a simulation - in which case it necessarily follows that simulations are capable of producing consciousness. Like scenario 2, it would be difficult to distinguish the simulated world from a physical world.
In all three scenarios a physical world would appear to be "real world". The only thing that could move us away from that position would be evidence that simulations can produce consciousness..
so real quick, i know this comes up now and then and i've looked over some of the posts from the past but here's the thing.. when i was a jw i drank all the cool aid, i was 100% and so i have all my own arguments (from the jw's) for why the bible is inspired.
i no longer believe this but i'd really like to read something that is pretty much 100% academic on this subject.
i want to read what scholars have to say about the authenticity of the bible and it's claim at being the inspired word of god.
consequences of living in a simulation[edit]some scholars speculate that the creators of our hypothetical simulation may have limited computing power; if so, after a certain point, the creators would have to deploy some sort of strategy to prevent simulations from themselves indefinitely creating high-fidelity simulations in unbounded regress.
But what are the reasons for suspecting it will not be possible?
Because simulations do not have the properties of the things which they are simulating. They are a mathematical representation. Not an actual manifestation.
consequences of living in a simulation[edit]some scholars speculate that the creators of our hypothetical simulation may have limited computing power; if so, after a certain point, the creators would have to deploy some sort of strategy to prevent simulations from themselves indefinitely creating high-fidelity simulations in unbounded regress.
Assuming for a moment that we are in a simulation - then it follows we should be able to show that simulations can produce consciousness. Once we do that - we can say it's "possible" we're in a simulation.
But, until such a time as that's shown to be the case, we neither know if it's possible or impossible.
consequences of living in a simulation[edit]some scholars speculate that the creators of our hypothetical simulation may have limited computing power; if so, after a certain point, the creators would have to deploy some sort of strategy to prevent simulations from themselves indefinitely creating high-fidelity simulations in unbounded regress.
No, it is not question begging. ALL the evidence points to the fact that we are physical creatures in a physical world.
Some have claimed that a simulated world would be perceptually identical to a physical world. I am curious how anyone could determine this without first showing that simulated worlds are capable of producing first person subjective experience (consciousness) that could perceive a simulated world.
consequences of living in a simulation[edit]some scholars speculate that the creators of our hypothetical simulation may have limited computing power; if so, after a certain point, the creators would have to deploy some sort of strategy to prevent simulations from themselves indefinitely creating high-fidelity simulations in unbounded regress.
Yes, there is very strong evidence that consciousness comes from physical brains. How do you not know this?
when individuals leave the organization for conscience reasons, it is evidence that god is shepherding and protecting the flock by doing a sifting work.
when people leave another christian religion it is evidence that the religion is morally corrupt and unable or unwilling to provide spiritually for their members.
when a christian from another denomination lies, he is acting according to his own disposition being from the father of the lie.
Great post Perry! Really hits the nail on the head of the double standards the JWs have.
consequences of living in a simulation[edit]some scholars speculate that the creators of our hypothetical simulation may have limited computing power; if so, after a certain point, the creators would have to deploy some sort of strategy to prevent simulations from themselves indefinitely creating high-fidelity simulations in unbounded regress.
Is there any evidence to suggest that a simulation of a brain could create consciousness? If not - the point is moot.
i heard this tired line re-ran again at this year's convention.
satan supposedly wanted to be like god and be worshiped - you know, the whole pride thing.
they really made a big deal about how his "thoughts" led to his sin in the garden of eden and how we need to control our thoughts to avoid the same result.
Do you know how much fame and glory a leader of the spirit world could have in today's society of 24 hour news? He could have billions of people tuned in to see him, listen to him, and watch whatever he does.Are you sure he's not . . .